Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Missed Lesson - 29/09/10

Today I was not able to make it to my media lesson due to having a life drawing session so I thought I would have a quick look at WCS Media blog which has been set up by our teacher with a few things here and there to help us out on our way. I found this image which will be very helpful when I will be recording and will need to use different camera angles, it basically has many different camera angles and labels them so that I can distinguish between them.
- Nicholas Ajagbe


Abandoned final version from Amin Team3 on Vimeo.
This is an example of what i could produce as my final piece for the coursework, the students who created this had a very similar brief to me so this could be used as inspiration for what i may produce.
- Nicholas Ajagbe

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Media Lesson - 22/09/10

In today’s lesson Sir briefly went over how the marks for the coursework we are about to start will be spread out which also indirectly informed me on which parts of the coursework I should focus on the most. He showed us a few examples of previous students work comparing them to each other and explaining how they got the mark that they did. Once we had done this we sent away to start up our blogs which is basically where we will log our progress through the course, we were given a bit of time to get used to the feel of blogger and customise them as we wanted to, so far I have been able to change the template by visiting Btemplates and choosing one from there. I've also added widgets such a the aquarium which is located on the right hand side of my blog, just added it to add a little personality to my blog.

The main objective my media coursework is to create the first 2 minutes of a feature film with the titles included,  what sir stressed that I felt was important was that I’m going to be marked for the technical ability used to create the first 2 minutes of the film and not the acting that will be involved so I should try and fit as many different camera angles and tricks of the trade as possible in order to receive maximum marks.

- Nicholas Ajagbe