Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Continuity 1 - Planning

Regarding the planning stage my main priority was that we meet the criteria set by the examination board which was...
"Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule."

In order to get the best piece possible as a group we decided to individually create our own storyboards and merge them together so that everyone's ideas were being used. The initial storyboard I created has been placed below and below that is the final storyboard that we used.
[Insert my initial storyboard]
[Final storyboard]

Now that the storyboard has been finalised Nina insisted that we create a brief script now to make the filming process much easier for everyone, our script was only made to meet the criteria set and was made basic to ease the editing process. Our script is:
Femi: Oh my god I thought you were a teacher.
Nina: (Out of breath) I almost got caught by Mr. Wilson.
Femi: We should have just stayed in class.
Nina: No this is jokes, lessons are boring.
The next step in planning was to create a camera plan, they are not necessary but in order to make sure that rules such as the 180-degree rule and match on action are used the plan is key. On our plan we drew the basic layout of the room we were using to film and plotted the cameras in the positions we needed to film from.
[Insert Camera Plan]

- Nicholas Ajagbe


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